
Novel strategies for hiPSC-CM differentiation

Development of chemically defined and high yield strategies for the differentiation of hiPSCs into functional cardiomyocytes, and their characterization for potential therapeutic applications.

hiPSC-CM Modeling of Anticancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity

Investiagtion of the mechanisms behind the cardiotoxic side effects of anti-cancer therapies, in special monoclonal antibodies such as trastuzumab and tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

Extracellular matrix regulation of mitochondrial function and structure in cardiac myocytes

Studies on the regulation of mitochondrial function and mitochondrial structure as function of ECM rigidity, composition, and tissue architecture in engineered cardiac myocytes.

Image analysis for phenotype classification in MRI

Development of image analysis algorithms focusing on image registration and segmentation to perform phenotype classification of different fat-fraction MR images.

Reconstruction of magnetic resonance flow imaging data using 3D SPIRiT

Development of algorithms to reconstruct temporal-accelerated spiral Fourier velocity encoded (FVE) MRI using 3D SPIRiT and different temporal acceleration approaches.

Reconstruction of magnetic resonance flow imaging data using parallel imaging

Development of algorithms to reconstruct spiral Fourier velocity encoded MRI data using parallel imaging, especially 2D SPIRiT.

Color calibration and scene classification

Development of image processing algorithms to be applied on color calibration between different devices, and scene classification.